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On this home page,
to our site,
we hope to keep in touch
with family & 
and be able
to get a feel
of the
virtual world...
you will learn
something about us--
as a family,
as individuals...

are like
Once you let them go,
you can never
bring them back!
If you want to,
you can try
to tie them
close to your heart...

We hope
to update this page
with new photos.


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How's Life?

Life, at times, may seem unfair but as soon as its mysteries start unfolding right before our very eyes, we will gradually understand and realize that everything, indeed, works for the greater glory of Him who made heaven and earth!


Our family has been through worse storms in life, tribulations inflicted by callous individuals-- unfortunate situations beyond our control.  In Mom, there was anger and desire to avenge the situation but Dad's calmness and faith in Him prevailed.  The fear of not making it through was great but the hope of waking up to a bright tomorrow has always been there and kept our hands holding on together, in prayer, as one family.


Now that the storm is over, we praise and thank God for all the blessings he has bestowed upon our family.  We hope to be continually worthy of the blessings we are abundantly enjoying right now.


For you who are in distress, be strong and hold on!  Be assured that God is preparing you for something great...  And, long before you even realize it, it will already be your turn to lift up another sagging spirit...